Alfred Akerman
4063 Alta Vista Way
Knoxville, TN 37919
(865) 406-6589(mobile)
If DIditco, Inc. is awarded the subcontract, I have agreed to accept, or I am currently employed
in, employment [sic] in the above-stated position. My anticipated date for reporting to work on
this subcontract is June 1, 2017 (per Solicitation and Offer #6400014905)
Education: Ph.D. Nuclear Engineering, University of Illinois,1976.
B.S. Physics with Distinction, University of Virginia, 1968.
Dissertation: First Visible Wavelength Nuclear Pumped Laser
Areas of Specialization
His PhD thesis was published as a volume in the Garland Press series ‘Outstanding Dissertations on Energy.’ He was elected to Sigma Pi Sigma, Phi Eta Sigma, and Sigma Xi honoraries. From 1968 to 1972 he was a pilot in the US Navy, flying a variety of aircraft to test systems such as forward looking infrared and laser guided bombs. During 1984 and 1985 he was leader of a laser chemistry applications program in the Department of Physics, University of New South Wales, Australia. He is a Life Senior Member of the IEEE and past chair of the 1000 member East Tennessee Section. For 28 years Akerman was at various times a research staff member, group leader, and senior program manager at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory where he worked on multilayer blast shielding, engineering applications of chaos, non-contact diagnostics, and communications. During his career he has done research in optics, lasers, polymers, isotope separation, fusion, and military weapons systems. After retiring in 2005, Akerman started Diditco, Inc to develop sensors for the aerospace industry. Akerman also consults in the areas of RF transmission, detection and analysis. With several more recent ORNL retirees he began Emerging Measurements (EMCO) in 2011 to measure temperatures using atomic physics principles.
US Navy
1968-72 Naval Aviator and Lieutenant
University of Illinois
1972-76 Teaching assistant, Research assistant, Post Doctoral Fellow
Oak Ridge Gaseous Diffusion Plant
1977-84 Research Staff Member
University of New South Wales, Australia
1984-85 Leader, Laser Chemistry Program, Reader/Fellow in Physics Department
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
1986 R&D Staff Member
1987 Group Leader and Sr Program Manager
Diditco, Inc
2005 Vice President
2011 Vice President and Treasurer
Professional Societies and Activities
2000-2003 Chairman of the East Tennessee section of IEEE. Also elected to Phi Eta Sigma, Sigma Pi Sigma, and Sigma Xi.
10 Patents, Available on Request
170 Publications, Available on Request
50 Technical Reports (Est)