♦100 Cedar Lane Oak Ridge, TN 37830 Cell: (865) 292-8670
♦DOE Q and DOD Security Clearances (currently inactive) ♦United States Air Force veteran
Scientific Project Design and Research Engineer
Exemplary record of project design utilizing leading technology, practical applications, computer programming, human interface, and algorithm development with 40+ years’ experience developing new and innovative ideas, processes, and designs in the fields of power electronics, instrumentation, and signal analysis. Familiar with engineering physics development processes including: invention and research. Successful in crafting 12 patents focusing on vehicle weigh-in-motion technology, frequency operation for efficient wireless power transfer, non-intrusive beam power monitor, and determining blood concentration and volume in an operating room. Designed and implemented Monte Carlo and other algorithms for signal tracking, processing, and coupled neutron- gamma ray transport codes. Proficient in C, FORTRAN, BASIC and 6809 assembly language. Also worked as an Air Traffic Controller in the US Air Force.
Scientific Research & Development ♦ Project Design and Management Intelligent Instrumentation
Computer Hardware & Software Design ♦ Electronic design Human Interfacing ♦ Algorithm Development
♦ Strong Theoretical and Mathematical Background ♦ Eclectic and Innovative Inventions
Project Design, Development, and Implementation:
Developed instrumentation for the collection, processing, and storage of DC transducers, AC waveforms, transients, and video images.
Sample projects include: a selectable output variable speed portable generator for the US Military, multiple mixed waveform DAS in real time, vehicle weigh-in-motion design analysis, and implementation, and real-time DSP digital control of motors, inverters, and other feedback systems.
Designed, developed, and implemented hardware, software, and people interfacing with extensive software experience on maxi, mini, hyper, DSP, transputer, and personal computers.
Designed a 48GB portable, intelligent, and flexible 100 MHz bandwidth multi-channel digital data acquisition, control, and analysis system for mixed acoustic sonar phased array, video, other high/low speed analog, and digital data in a portable field package.
Technical Writer
Published 20+ non-classified papers on various topics (most papers were classified and are not listed). Specifically; advanced power generation systems, weigh-in-motion systems, hardware and software techniques, and algorithms for processing and control.
Ability to research areas of interest, conduct experiments, analyze results and data, apply results to develop new techniques, and carry out fieldwork utilizing strong comprehension of theoretical physics and mathematics.
Ability to teach various findings in academic environments based on research conducted and information uncovered through publications.
Some formal academic teaching experience along with numerous seminars and technical presentations.
Senior Research Scientist, Emerging Measurements Co. (EMCO), Knoxville, TN November 2011 – Present
Senior Research Scientist/ Engineer Consultant, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, TN March 2011 – October 2011
Senior Research Scientist/ Engineer, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN June 1979 – December 2010
Focused on data acquisition analysis and control for computerized automation of scientific instruments, experiment design, electronic hardware interfacing, and software design.
Developed digital controller and algorithms for magnetic suspension system.
Intelligent Digital Data Acquisition Systems for general purpose and unique situations; focusing on signal processing, recognition, and generation.
System design from top to bottom of new and innovative products.
♦ Nominated Martin Marietta Significant Event Award:
Technical Expertise and Skill in Promoting Power Electronics Applications
Martin Marietta Energy Systems Special Achievement Award: Long-Term Exceptional Performance
Martin Marietta Energy Systems Inventor Award: Designed Digital Filter Algorithm
Portable Very Large Volume Intelligent Digital Data Acquisition and Control System for recording over a hundred channels operating at different rates to be used in torpedo verification testing.
Sole designer of a Very Large Scale Integrated Circuit (~9K gates) for variable control and merging of mixed speed data onto a common bus for recording.
Process and hardware for real-time separations of asynchronous from synchronous signals.
Predictive algorithm for real-time digital control.
VLSI design for real-time non-linear convolution image processing.
University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA
Ph.D., Nuclear Engineering and Physics ♦ M.E., Nuclear Engineering
Kent State University, Kent, OH
M.A., Physics ♦ B.S., Physics
5184189 February 1993 Non-intrusive beam power monitor for high power pulsed or continuous wave lasers
5642273 June 1997 Resonant snubber inverter
5959259 September 1999 System and method for accurately weighing and characterizing moving vehicles
5998741 December 1999 System and methods for accurately weighing and characterizing moving vehicles
6459050 October 2002 Method and apparatus for converting static in-ground vehicle scales into weigh-in-motion systems
7305324 December 2007 System and method for identifying, validating, weighing and characterizing moving or stationary vehicles and cargo
7375293 May 2008 System and method for weighing and characterizing moving or stationary vehicles and cargo
7423225 September 2008 Weigh in motion technology
8304670 November 2012 Portable weighing system with alignment features
8310202 November 2012 Off-resonance frequency operation for power transfer in a loosely coupled air core transformer
8389878 March 2013 Weigh-in-motion scale with foot alignment features
Applied for November 2015 Method for determining blood concentration and volume in a slurry collected during surgery
Click on patent number to show patent in its entirety on the site.
Portable Generator for the US Military
Military portable generators are each designed for a specific frequency, voltage, and number of phases requiring many types of units. Since the frequency is a function of the engine speed, the engine must run at a constant speed independent of the load. This wastes fuel and puts excess wear on a system during low power demands and creates a host of other problems such as wet-stacking.
Designed a variable speed generator with the power electronics to select on demand the frequency, voltage, and number of phases. The engine is controlled to run at whichever speed is the most efficient for the current power level, saving fuel and wear. With this arrangement only one generator is needed for the various applications.
A dual DSP was programmed to operate the engine, the inverter and its instantaneous gate control, the battery charging, engine start, and power redistribution between battery and load for sudden load changes. All control algorithms and human interfacing were designed and implemented by Dr. M B Scudiere.
Multiple Waveform DAS in Real Time
Many waveforms digitized at varying rates need to be stored and analyzed in real time resulting in over 500GB/day of data. While most waveforms are consistent, it is the inconsistencies that are of interest.
Developed an algorithm to compress and interlace the data and identify regions of change to store in its entirety. This reduced the data storage to a few percent of the original data making it much easier to archive and analyze without loss of significant events while providing a real-time display of operating parameters.
The above algorithm (and DAS) was developed, implemented, and verified in LabView and C code by Dr. Matthew Scudiere.
♦ A variation of this was also implemented to replace a torpedo warhead for annual verification of operation.
♦ Another variation of this was implemented to record bomb testing in a remote area in Australia.
System for Drill Core Analysis by X-ray Absorption
Densities of drill core samples were analyzed using low dose gamma ray sources which took many hours to process a single sample.
Use an X-ray tube to provide the radiation to measure the density. The higher dose made a sample analysis take minutes instead of hours.
This approach created many safety considerations made this approach much more complex. A complete turn-key system was designed with all the safety features required to interface with the operator, run the X-Ray tube, log the data, and provide safety interlocks to prevent inadvertent exposure to any participant. The system design and all hardware and software were completed by Dr. Matthew Scudiere.
Papers from 1973 to 1987 concerning the US work on Gas Centrifuge as well as other classified papers on other topics following that time were all classified and are unavailable. These include but are not limited to: reports on non-linear mechanical impedance measuring experiments, internal flow and temperature determination diagnostic experiments, and separation performance experiments for the Gas Centrifuge Program for which I designed the process and instrumentation to accomplish and the final report.
“Advanced power generation systems for the 21st Century”, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, ORNL/TM-1999/213, 1999. MB Scudiere, et. al.
“Development of proof-of-concept units for advanced medium-sized mobile power sources (AMMPS) program,” Oak Ridge National Laboratory, ORNL Report/TM-2001/222, 2002. M.B. Scudiere, et al
“A bi-directional dc-dc converter with minimum energy storage elements,” in Conf. Rec, IEEE IAS Annu. Meeting, 2002, pp1572-1577, M.B. Scudiere et. al
"Nature and Assessments of Torque Ripple of Permanent-Magnet Adjustable-Speed Motors," J. S. Hsu, B. P. Scoggins, M. B. Scudiere, L. D. Marlino, D. J. Adams, P. Pillay, Conference Record - IEEE Industry Applications Society 30th Annual Meeting, Oct. 8-12, 1995, Orlando, Florida, pp. 2696-2702.
"Low-Inertia Axial-Gap Permanent-Magnet Motors", J. S. Hsu, D. J. Adams, M. B. Scudiere, S. M. Jenkins, G. W. Ott, Jr., J. W. McKeever, C. P. White, L. D. Marlino, Conference Record - IEEE Industrial Applications Society 31st Annual Meeting, Oct. 1996, pp. 479-486.
"Advanced Power Generation Systems for the 21st Century: Recommendations for a Design Philosophy and Market Survey," J. B. Andriulli, et. al., P. J. Otaduy, M. B. Scudiere, L. M. Tolbert, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, October 1999.
"Nature and Assessments of Torque Ripples of Permanent-Magnet Adjustable-Speed Motors" Johns. Hsu (Htsui), Brian P. Scoggins, Matthew B. Scudiere, Laura D. Marlino, Donald J. Adams, Pragasen Pilay. Conference Record of the 1995 IEEE 30-th IAS Annual Meeting Volume 3, October 8-12, 1995, Orlando, Florida.
"Low-Inertia Axial-Gap Permanent-Magnet Motors" J.S. Hsu, D.J. Adams, M.B. Scudiere, S.M. Jenkins, G.W. Ott, Jr, J.W.Mckeever, C.P. White, L.D. Marlino
"Accurate and Portable Weigh-in-Motion System for manifesting Air Cargo" R.N. Nodine, M.B. Scudiere, and J.K. Jordan. SPIE Photonics '95 Symposium October 22-26, 1995, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
"Portable Fiber Optic Weight Monitoring and Identification/Classification System for Vehicles in Motion" J.D. Muhs, K.W. Tobin, J.K. Jordan, R.W. Young, D.B. Smith, J.V. LaForge, C.P. White, G.J. Capps, M.B. Scudiere, S.W. Allison, M.R. Cates, and B.L. Johnson. Fiscal Year 1990 Progress Report, October 1990.
"Small-signal recovery and analysis with a novel, phase-locked digital filter" G. T. Gillies, M. B. Scudiere, S. W. Allison. Review of Scientific Instruments, Dec 1989
"State-of-the-Art Digital Data Acquisition System" M. B. Scudiere, D. J. Adams, D. L. Beshears, G. J. Capps, J. K. Jordan, R. W. Napier, G. W. Ott, C. P. White, R. N. Nodine, R. A. Todd, F. Nussbaum. Presented at ASME annual meeting, Chicago, Dec 1988
"Naval Underwater System Center Torpedo Data Acquisition System Design Update" D. J. Adams, D. L. Beshears, G. J. Capps, J. K. Jordan, R. W. Napier, G. W. Ott, M. B. Scudiere, C. P. White, R. N. Nodine, R. A. Todd ORNL/ATD-2 Oct 1988
"Naval Underwater System Center Torpedo Data Acquisition System -- Wet System Conceptual Design Report" D. J. Adams, D. L. Beshears, G. J. Capps, J. K. Jordan, G. W. Ott, M. B. Scudiere, C. P. White, R. N. Nodine, R. A. Todd K/ETAC-64 Apr 1988
"Remote thermometry in a combustion environment using the phosphor technique" S. W. Allison, M. R. Cates, M. B. Scudiere, H. T. Bentley III, H. Borella, B. Marshall, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Volume 788 21-22 May 1987 Orlando, Florida
"The Use of Gabor Filters in Texture Discrimination and Texture Boundary Determination for Image Preprocessing” M. B. Scudiere, J. P. Jones ORNL internal publication
"A Dual Approach to Image Segmentation Using a Hypercube Multiprocessor" J. P. Jones, M. B. Scudiere presented at SIAM Research in Multiprocessor Special Interest Group, Santa Fe, New Mexico, Oct 1986
"Digital Controller for a Magnetic Suspension System” M. B. Scudiere, R. A. Willems, G. T. Gillies, Review of Scientific Instruments, Aug 1986.
"Magnetic Bearings: An Adaptive Solution to MotionControl Problems” M. B. Scudiere, G. T. Gillies K/TS11,780 March 1986 Martin Marietta Oak Ridge Gaseous Diffusion Plant publication.
"Fluorescence-based Diagnostic Techniques in Rotating Gasses” S. W. Allison, M. R. Cates, J. J. Keyes, Jr, M. B. Scudiere K/TS-10,523 September 2, 1981.
"An Improved Multigroup Monte Carlo Photon Cross Section Technique", presented at annual meeting of the American Nuclear Society, June 1217, 1977, New York, NY.
"Multigroup Scattering Kernels in Monte Carlo GammaRay Transport", J. T. Ward and M. B. Scudiere, Oct 1976.
Several short articles for the 68 Micro Journal in the early 80's concerning 6809 microprocessor hardware and software techniques and algorithms. Several pieces of software marketed by DataComp and Micro International for the 6809 microprocessor community.