Dr. Michael R. Cates
102C Newridge Rd
Oak Ridge, TN 37830
Phone: (865) 223-3653
e-mail: m.cates@comcast.net

Education: B.S., M.S. in Physics Baylor University and Ph.D. degrees in Physics from TexasA&MUniversity

Vice President, Emerging Measurements Company (EMCO)
10/2011 – Present; Emerging Measurements (EMCO) is a small high-tech business consulting, and contracting with government and commercial entities to solve challenging measurements problems.

Consultant for Diditco
1/2010 – Present

Oak Ridge National Laboratory(ORNL); UT Battelle

1981 – 2010; Dr. Cates is an experimental physicist with extensive experience in large field experiments that require coordinating the efforts of diverse technical personnel. Mike served as a staff member in the Photonics Group.He has technical experience in nuclear reactions, nuclear detectors, scintillator characterization, laser-induced fluorescence, optical-fiber sensors and systems, video-image analysis, fluorescence spectroscopy, and photodetectors such as photomultipliers, photodiodes, and image intensifiers. Other experience includes "hands-on" laboratory activity, computer programming, and data analysis. He is particularly committed to the team concept of research and development, wherein specific and urgent needs can be met by broad-based mutual support.

Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)

Until 1981; Mike served in the Field Test Division and the Physics Division at Los Alamos National Laboratory.His testing background includes extensive participation in nuclear-weapons tests at the Nevada Test Site and experiments at upper-atmospheric test facilities in Hawaii and Alaska.

Publications and Patents:
He has more than a hundred publications in many areas of measurement science and technology, including classified reports at Los Alamos, technical reports at Oak Ridge, technical meeting presentations, and journal publications. More than thirty publications relate to optical measurements associated with thermographic phosphors.
Patents 11
Related Publications, Reports, and Publications

W. A. Hollerman, S. W. Allison, D. L. Beshears, R. F. Guidry, T. J. Bencic, C. R. Mercer, J. I. Eldridge, M. R. Cates, P. Boudreaux and S. M. Goedeke, “Development of inorganic fluorescent coatings for high temperature aerospace applications” published in the proceedings of the 49th International Instrumentation Symposium of the ISA, Orlando, FL., May 2003.

M. R. Cates, S. W. Allison, S. L. Jaiswal, and D. L. Beshears, “YAG:Dy and YAG:Tm Fluorescence to 1700 C” published in the proceedings of the 49th International Instrumentation Symposium of the ISA, Orlando, FL., May 2003.

"Nonintrusive Temperature Measurements on Advanced Turbomachinery Components," with others, Proc. II Latin American Conference on Turbomachinery, p. 273 (Electrical Research Institute, Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico), 1993.
"Phosphor Thermometry on Turbine-Engine Blades and Vanes," with others, in J.P. Schooley, ed., Temperature: Its Measurement and Control in Science and Industry, Vol. 6, Part 2, p. 1249 (New York: American Institute of Physics, '1992).
"Thermographic Phosphors for High-Temperature Measurements on Advanced Materials," with W.D. Turley, (invited paper) Structural Testing Technology at High Temperature, Proc. of the tfh High Temperature Measurement Conference, p. 216, Society for Experimental Mechanics, Bethel, CT, 1992.
"A 2-D Imaging Heat-Flux Gauge," with others, Los Alamos National Laboratory report LA-12129-M.S. (July 1991).

"Fiber-Sensor Design for Turbine Engines," with others, Conference on Optical Fiber Sensor-Based Smart Structures, Blacksburg, VA (April, 1991); Proceedings of the Conference on Optical Fiber Sensor-Based Smart Materials and Structures, R. O. Claus, ed., (Technomic Publishing Co., Inc., Lancaster, PA, 1991), pp. 155-165.
"Remote Temperature and Heat-Flux Measurement Using Thermographic Phosphors," with others (invited paper), 10th NASP Technology Symposium, Monterey, CA (April 1991).
"Turbine-Engine Phosphor Thermometry," (invited paper), March Meeting of the American Physical Society, Cincinnati (1991); Bull.Am. Phys. Soc. 3G, 637 (1991).
"Engine Testing of Thermographic Phosphors," with others, Oak Ridge National Laboratory report ORNLlATD-21 (May 1990).
"Evaluating Thermographic Phosphors in an Operating Turbine Engine," with others (invited paper), Gas Turbine and Aerospace Congress and Exposition, Brussels, Belgium (June 1990); Trans. ASME, J. Engineeringfor Gas Turbines and Power 113,242 (1991).
"Two-Dimensional Temperature Mapping Using Thermographic Phosphors," with others (invited paper), High Temperature Sensors Symposium, 177th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, Montreal (May 1990).
"Noncontact Thermometry in Excess of 2500°F Using Thermographic Phosphors," with others, 36th International Instrumentation Symposium of the ISA, Denver (May 1990).